Thursday, January 11, 2007

Me mañana Austin love.

Yes mam, I feel good. Uh huh. It’s on. I’m in the path and everything be aight. Life is so beautiful it almost gives me a headache. The colors are like, “BLAM!” I just love this shit.

I am so busy right now. I am always so busy right now. I wonder what that’s about?

I want so much…I want everything that can possibly fit in me. That’s where Aristotle and I differ…I am into the moderation thing…but only so long as it enables me to absorb as much as fucking possible. Yes sir. The only reason I want to be healthy is to take more information, to know one thing more intimately, to love more people, to love one person more passionately, to live longer/deeper/harder/richer/more-beautifully-peacefully, to speak clearer, to think clearer, and on and on….until life becomes so thick, so refined, so grimy, and so fucking ill that puking remains.

Someone asked me if I liked something the other day….I like everything….really almost everything.

I just prefer salad, butter, Dionysus, petite women, chocolate, extended aerobic exercise, mineral water, stretching, hip hop, late fifties Coltrane, red wine, heavy whipping cream, contemporary French and German philosophy, winning, being alone or rolling around on the floor with a pretty girl, and Abraham.

I can do without all those things though. Cheap cooking oil really sucks though. I’d rather get a boyfriend than have to eat food fried in cheap cooking oil on a regular basis.

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